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A member registered Oct 08, 2020

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Geez, this was very disturbing and sad. Enough to make me write this comment. Maybe you should consider removing the ‘Romance’ tag. I did not find enough romance to justify it in this. Only a well rounded description of an unhinged psychopath.

But I guess that was you goal. So good job? Not for me unfortunately.

Thank you! (Also, why did you have to recommend a new save? Skipping does not help much, I am already in tears. 🙃)

And the invested time absolutely shows. The overall quality is impressive. I am along for the ride.

Thank you for easing my fear with the last names. Sure, similarities can and do occur, but it helps if you want them to :D

Until next time!

*warning, incoherent rambling ahead*

Apologies, I have more thoughts. This story is intending on living rent free in my head for a while and those thoughts want out.

I cannot begin to imagine how much time you invested in this.
You establish world rules that explain, why things confusing to me happen. You even repeat them to make sure these rules are understood but somehow still managed to ignore them the first time I read them.

The current end of act 3, chapter 1 low point with George makes me want to learn Spanish, it is amazing how many ups and downs this emotional roller coaster has. And how low the lows are.

I assume that one of the things coming up is that Laura coincidentally is specialized in child psychology. How convenient that would be for the trial! You did it with all the other characters :D

I noticed that Lucas' and George's last name are pretty much the same, letters are just a bit scrambled. Blaine and Benali. I hope this is just a fun gag and not some twist that they are the same person or one of them is imaginary (or worse, both).

I keep asking myself what George did. He said he hurt a lot of people, it involved alcoholism and coming home in the middle of the night half clothed. Until recently there was a decent divorce and child care settlement in place, but this is no longer enough for his ex-wife. What did you do George? I am so excited to find closure.

I am thinking if parts of the precognition at the tree while camping are directly related to the different endings of this story. But maybe they are already resolved.

Thank the maker (Cassandra might have said this more often than Leliana, but I liked the Iron Bull more so whatever) that I can read through the story again and again and still discover new details. I might start another round tonight :D

Current personal top moment ranking:
1. Saying goodbye to Laura at bus station (instant ugly cry)
2. George leaving the ER (instant ugly cry)
3. Replacing George's door lock, comic publish suggestion
4. Camping, bonfire guitar song
5. George talking about his daughter at the lake house
6. Camping, enjoying the view
7. Camping, the helmet
8. Winter day party karaoke
9. Chatting with Laura at the mall
10. Mall piano play with George
11. Beach talk with Jenna
12. George and Lucas becoming a family

Have a good one!

PS: This has me in stitches :D

:D You are very welcome, I will!

(1 edit)

As I said, I don't mind the misspellings, but this popped up:

While processing text tag {W} in

u"\u2014I know you said I don't need to be strong when I'm with you\u2026 {w=0.5}That you would be my refuge. {W}But you know? {W}You don't have to always be the strong one. That is unfair.".:

 File "game/tl/english/capitulo16.rpy", line 5485, in script

 lucas "—I know you said I don't need to be strong when I'm with you… {w=0.5}That you would be my refuge. {W}But you know? {W}You don't have to always be the strong one. That is unfair."

Exception: Unknown text tag u'W'

Ignore works fine. And I don't get how formatting works here...

Oh my, I have to apologize. I am so sorry.
I am re-reading from the start and am taking it slower, I am not even through chapter 1 yet.
I have missed so much. So much. Most of my questions are clarified and I understand more of the reasoning behind certain events. These deviant perverts.

Still having a great time! Promise me that somehow the rooftop apartment lives on and allows new tenants to find love!

Hi Seth! Thank you very much for your reply!

Oh, I did not realize that decisions hide some of the backstory (or are that impactful) - but it absolutely makes sense because you chose a format where you can do that.

It is a very good idea to have a guide at the end to find further insides! I look forward to it.

Also, I blame myself for not being attentive enough and just skipping some important parts - missing vital clues. It is definitely my fault for trying to go to fast. But it's so exciting :D

The title. "The Writer". It's George! Of course it's George! Lucas is an illustrator. Everything he does is revolving around George. No matter what. I feel like a child for not realizing this earlier. Now I feel even more fuzzy and warm inside :)
(Yes, it might also be some supernatural being in the background pulling the strings or the figurative writer of the story, but I go with my version.)

And I spoiled myself a little by watching your trailer and checking the game files.
The twin brother will show up somehow! Yay! And George's daughter maybe as well. And George will get a haircut and shave and looks totally different. I am excited!
And worried. Three different endings may mean that I might get the bad ending. Argh, I will try to be more attentive and observant!

But don't you worry! I am just assuming what I experienced elsewhere and could not be disappointed by things to come that do make sense and are as sweet as what I read and saw until now. No matter how obvious or cliche :D

(2 edits)


I am in awe of this - as someone already stated before - first real visual novel I have found on this site.

The content fills hours. I discovered it yesterday and tried to finish it in one sitting until the current EN translation ends, but I could not make it. I went to bed early in the morning pretty much fainting.

It is very captivating.

The inner monologues and conversations are very much like a proper novel where all characters are properly aware of their feelings and have pleasant conversations . And that's what many VNs on this site do not have.

And yes. I ugly cried as well. A lot. More than 6 times. Very touching story.

Although sometimes the wording seems off and hyphens mix spoken lines with thoughts, it it always possible to understand what is going on.
Sure the file size is big, but it is absolutely worth it for the music and images. My goodness those songs. And those drawings. The way these 2 look at each other. Good job.

I assume you are working from personal experiences with some of this - or maybe you just like your last name, your sister and the color blue. :D

I very much enjoyed the sudden body switch to hear the thoughts of George while Lucas is in a coma.

It is very clear that you are the master of this story, because some things are just a little far off, but it somehow work. Many breadcrumbs are properly resolved throughout the story and not forgotten about.

Some examples of what I could have lived with less of:

- The supernatural dream part with precognition and the connection to the cat. I enjoyed the mixture of dream and not dream, but maybe it is overdone a little.
- George's age. 30 is not that old! And it is unlikely to have a remote cabin at a lake at this age. Also there was talk about recent money issues right? Likely because of the alcoholism and divorce ongoings.
- The time scale. Things move fast! Lucas knows exactly the right people to move the story along fast. Very fast. I guess that's ok and on purpose :D
- The plagiarism thing. I don't understand how stolen scribbles can cause a legal issue and I hope there will be some clarifications. As far as I understand rights are properly secured before comics are published. But you seem to move it way to the background. I am not even sure if George knows about this. Likely part of the ex-wife sidestory.
- The mixture of dream and not dream. This is interesting in the beginning but maybe it is used too much.

The drama. I know it is needed nowadays, but it is a lot to digest:
 - Semi-consensual rape by good fried ("brother") that turns into deep, deep trauma. This one is fine, still off to me since I do not have experience with this.
 - Child abuse accusations towards George and a lawsuit for it by his ex-wife? Also some alcohol addiction sub tones? I assume this goes somewhere but right now it is just confusing and especially the abused the daughter allegation seems uncalled for.
 - The parents. They just show up and leave again.
 - The scar on Lucas' neck and its backstory. Gruesome. I assume this is something you experienced.
 - The undercover job George did that somehow went totally south. Was this recent? Was this the stab wound he had in the ER with Chief Johnson? I mean it can't since he was wearing his uniform right? This thing was timeline wise super confusing or maybe I just misunderstood. How did it relate time-wise to the divorce? The alcoholism?
- The criminals infiltrated with the undercover job decide to kill Lucas just like that?
- The fire. Wow, buddy, that's a lot so close to that family Christmas party. And arson with another big bad behind it (at least I hope it is another big bad, because it would be very cliche if its the ex-wife or the mafia). Also if the top floor of a high-rise building was on fire, I do not think that the floor below can be still lived in afterwards. But no worries thats ok :D

However, all of this this makes the story rich and rounded and I assume most of it will be resolved in parts that are not translated yet.

Fantastic work!

PS: I am super pissed that you sent Donnald to the ICU with a long term coma! (once again, I assume this will be going somewhere)
PPS: Lucas' earrings were explained as gift from Robert. Whats with the ring on a string around George's neck? Is he wearing his wedding band after the divorce? Are the hostilities with his ex-wife that recent? (I mean yeah, in the beginning she wanted to get back together with him. Me confused.)